Friday, January 29, 2010

The Seven Bowls of the Wrath of God

Although we were told that the study workload would be lighter this week. I am finding myself deeper in study than in any week previous!

It is so important, especially at this point in our study, that we remember that what John is seeing is a vision... and that this vision is still YET to come. And this applies not only literally, but figuratively as well, for instance, Revelation 16:16 sees it's 'vision fulfillment' in Revelation 19:19.

Because our weekly Gathering on Thursday is time limited to only being able to contain so much, it is almost critical at this point, that we use the Study Room to further the teaching and our knowledge of Scripture.

I am currently compiling my notes from my own completed study and am focusing on Revelation 16:12-16. This is the portion of the chapter that speaks of what occurs at the pouring out of the Sixth Bowl. It is so vital that we understand what is happening here, so that our study, yet to come, will make sense to us. And so in the next few days I will be posting Scriptures from Isaiah, Zechariah, Habukkuk, Matthew, Jeremiah and others (including the song of Deborah) so that we can gain a deeper insight into the nations, the Lord God, Edom, Moab, and Ammon (all present day Jordan) and where the Lord goes when He leaves heaven and descends to the earth as the Conquering King.

If you could continue to pray for me I would be so thankful.

We are closing in on the final chapters of Revelation and we want to finish strong! Blessings upon each one of you!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sand and Sea...

OK, so how are you all doing this week as you study your way through Revelation Chapters 13 and 14? I am always hesitant to do any extended teaching in the Study Room until I know that you have completed your homework, simply because I know that the joy of discovering Truth for yourself is so wonderful!

However, you have all been so quiet this week that I thought I would be on pretty safe ground if I simply brought something up from last week and carried it over to the first few verses of Chapter 13.

Do you remember in our last class when we were discussing Chapter 12:15-16 regarding the serpent pouring 'water out like a river' with the intent of causing the woman 'to be swept away with the flood'? I had pointed you towards Psalm 124 as a point of reference regarding the 'river of water' and the ensuing 'flood' as a description of the Gentile nations' persecution of the Jews.

As we move into Revelation Chapter 13 we now see the dragon standing on the 'sand of the seashore', and the beast 'coming up out of the sea'. (I remember teaching this during our year long study in Daniel and Jenny Daly just being on the edge of her seat as understanding began to settle into her!)
We always need to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture and so let's look at Revelation 17:1...
"Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, "come here, I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who sits on many waters..."

Now let's look at Revelation 17:15...
And he said to me, 'The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.

Now read Revelation 20:7-8...
"When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore."

Remember to use, use, use, this Study Room girls! Your Study Room! It is here for you to use to gain further teaching and learning as you study throughout the week. Ask questions, share your insights, your frustrations, your joys.

ppssst... ( Now that you have read over today's posting... check out Revelation 21:1 and perhaps you will gain further understanding of what this verse actually means!)
Love you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blessed... On All Points

Hi Girls!

I so enjoyed being with you all this morning... I miss you all so much when I am not able to be there. This morning I was still coming down from a reaction I had the other day and so I felt like I was completely, or at least somewhat, 'out of it'. You were all so good to just let me sit and go through the Scriptures with you as we shared together all that we had learned.

And then, to be blessed in such a bountiful way! After I ran my afternoon errands (no need to stop at Roots for Quinoa today!), I came home and had a bowl of oatmeal with one of the jinormous pears from the fruit gifting that you blessed me with... yummy!

The tulips are so cheery, and the little bird house will be eye-candy for Makenna until I can place it among the Lavender in my garden this year, and the note paper and little cards will be definitely well used!

The book on the historical and cultural insights regarding the book of Revelation will also be much enjoyed and referenced, for sure! I loved the little note tucked inside regarding our 'brief survey' of Revelation that we are now in, and your anticipation of me preparing the 'full meal deal' course for you! Hmm-mm...

Just needed you to know that you blessed me on all points this morning, and I thank God for every one of you.

Enjoy your time in God's Word this week and remember to use our Study Room to even further deepen your study times and to share with the other girls.

Love you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

By Invitation Only...

Hi Girls!  Welcome to your new, by Invitation Only Bible Study Room, and thank you for your e-mailed and telephone responses, this is your Room after all and it is important that we are able to converse in such a way as is authentic to what we are experiencing as we go through this study, and that includes voicing our questions and queries in a safe and loving atmosphere, without always being aware of the need to be cautious in regards to who might be listening in and perhaps them not understanding or even misinterpreting what we say.

I am looking forward to the weeks yet to come and will definitely (unless God has another plan) be there next Thursday!

Love you all,


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bible Study Day!

From the left... Jan, Wendy, Angie, Edna, Joan

What a great way to begin this New Year! And although all the girls were not able to join us this morning, for those of us that were able to attend, it was just plain enjoyable being together again.

We covered Revelation Chapters 6 and 7 and are already anticipating next week.
The Bible Study Room is now open for further discussion of this week's lesson, so I'll hand it over to all of you and will look forward to joining in myself shortly!

Monday, January 4, 2010