Although we were told that the study workload would be lighter this week. I am finding myself deeper in study than in any week previous!
It is so important, especially at this point in our study, that we remember that what John is seeing is a vision... and that this vision is still YET to come. And this applies not only literally, but figuratively as well, for instance, Revelation 16:16 sees it's 'vision fulfillment' in Revelation 19:19.
Because our weekly Gathering on Thursday is time limited to only being able to contain so much, it is almost critical at this point, that we use the Study Room to further the teaching and our knowledge of Scripture.
I am currently compiling my notes from my own completed study and am focusing on Revelation 16:12-16. This is the portion of the chapter that speaks of what occurs at the pouring out of the Sixth Bowl. It is so vital that we understand what is happening here, so that our study, yet to come, will make sense to us. And so in the next few days I will be posting Scriptures from Isaiah, Zechariah, Habukkuk, Matthew, Jeremiah and others (including the song of Deborah) so that we can gain a deeper insight into the nations, the Lord God, Edom, Moab, and Ammon (all present day Jordan) and where the Lord goes when He leaves heaven and descends to the earth as the Conquering King.
If you could continue to pray for me I would be so thankful.
We are closing in on the final chapters of Revelation and we want to finish strong! Blessings upon each one of you!