Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hi Girls! This will be my final posting in the Revelation Study Room!

I have enjoyed so much our time together here and was blessed by your fellowship yesterday as well. Angie has asked if I would post my own study timeline, from our last week of study, and so that is what I am doing here today.

Like you, I am now taking what I have learned from Revelation and moving on with other studies in my Bible. It is always important, after any in-depth study, to have a time to debrief... to have a time of contemplation of the depth of the spiritual implications of all that the Holy Spirit has been teaching you, and not continue to be in a constant discussion regarding who, what, where, when, why and how?

So, here is my time-line, according to the questions that were asked in our last study chapter of 'Behold, Jesus Is Coming!'

1. before Rapture of the church
2. after Rapture (before first 31/2 years)
3. seal, trumpet and bowl judgements...
seals - beginning of 31/2 years
trumpets - first 31/2 years (7th trumpet blown end of first 31/2 years...covenant broken/abomination of desolation)
4. end of last 31/2 years
5. after the arrival of the New Heaven, New Earth and with the arrival of the New Jerusalem
6. end of 1,000 years
7. after last 31/2 years (end of 70th week)
8. at the second coming of Christ (fulfillment of Daniel 9:24-27... the judgement of the nations and the refining of Israel) *** the judgement occurs, yet the fulfillment of it occurs 1,000 years later
9. between the end of the 70th week (end of final 31/2 years) and the judgement of the dead
10. I am going to let you search out the answer to this in the comment section!
11. beginning of 1,000 years
12. end of 1,000 years
13. after release of satan
14. after satan in thrown in Lake of Fire
15. after Satan thrown in Lake of Fire
16. beast/ antichrist - before 1,000 year reign
satan - after the battle of Gog and Magog
the dead - after the coming of the Great White Throne
17. end of 1,000 years (after the dead judged)
18. Upon the arrival of the New Heaven, New Earth and with the arrival of the New Jerusalem

Don't have time to proof, hope this is sufficient!
Love you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Heaven... New Earth

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth;
for the first heaven and the first earth passed away,
and there is no longer any sea."
Revelation 21:1

There was so much to take in during our study of these last two chapters of Revelation this past week.

This post, if nothing else, is just me adding a few things to the discussion that you have already started this morning. In order to not be redundant, I will wait for our Study Room discussion to begin before adding anything more!

This week, as I began reading Rev. 21:1, I immediately thought of the 'first Adam' and the 'last Adam' (1 Corinthians 15:45), the first being of the natural, the last being of the spirit... which led me to think of our past study in Romans, where we are told that creation itself "...was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him Who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now..." (Romans 8:18-23) The earth itself will one day be redeemed, purchased, in a sense, through the blood of Christ from its slavery and brought into freedom.

Think about it this way, just as Christ had to die, (John 12:24) and death being the way to life; so also we died in order to receive newness of life (Romans 6:4); and so also the earth and heavens must 'die' in order to make way for the 'new heaven and new earth'... it's beautiful, isn't it?

From earlier posts and study you will have seen that in this new earth there will no longer be any sea. This translates back to 13:1 and 17:1,15 - meaning... no longer any nations... because all the people of the new earth will be one people.... the people of God.

I know that you saw that the One Who sits on the throne in Chapter 20 is Jesus, and that in Chapter 21, when the new city, the new Jerusalem, comes down from heaven (from God).... God Himself comes with it! And that it is God Himself Who will wipe away every tear; inaugurating (by His very presence and dwelling amongst His people) no more mourning, no more death, no more crying and no more pain (all, by the way, which tells us more about the 1,000 year reign!)... He, God the Father, makes all things new.

Yes, there will come That Day, ... until then, let the knowledge that His mercies are new every morning!

I have been blessed, right along with all of you, during our time in our study of Revelation. I am looking forward to the next few days in the Study Room with you, looking forward to your insights, your questions, your musings, your reflections... your hearts.

I was wondering if you could each get back to me on something... now that we have completed our study in Revelation, would you be comfortable in opening up this Study Room to others that would perhaps want to go through... or should we just close it down and only give future access to those that have actually participated? Whatever you decide will be done... you have all opened yourselves up so willingly during our times here together, made yourselves vulnerable before God and your sisters; if you would like that to remain permanently sealed within our group please let me know.

My intent has always been to serve God, by serving you. I love each of you so very much, you have all blessed me more than my words could ever express. Not one single day has gone by that you have not been on my heart before God... I treasure you.

With love,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thank you!

Hi Girls, I just wanted to thank you so much for all your prayers these past few weeks and to let you know that I haven't dropped off the side of the planet... I really am still here and missing you like crazy I might add!

Here is my mom, looking quite pleased with herself as she takes her daily walk... and so she should, she's been through a lot.

Today we were finally able to pick her up from the hospital and take her home. I put her dinner in the oven while she settled herself down on her 'own wee couch', then tidied out her fridge and restocked it with new groceries.

I have been so blessed to have such caring and loving sisters during this season; God, daily, has been ministering to me through His Word and by His Spirit, may He see in me a truly thankful child.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

With love,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter 20

Hi Girls! I'm transferring Cat's questions over to today's Bible Study Room Comments... good questions sweetheart!

I have Makenna today and then off to the hospital late this afternoon...
my mother may be released today so I will be getting her back home and settled but will be in the Study Room later tonight!

Love you!

Chapter 19

Good morning!

I thought I would be quiet and give you girls a few days to get into your study this week, and thinking of what your reaction would be when you saw the homework! You've been quiet too! Probably shaking your heads at the repetition that I have made you go through... but that is all a part of thorough Bible Study - one thing is for sure... you will never be able to view the Coming of Jesus in the same way again!

How are you doing with naming the themes of each chapter in Revelation 19? Don't skip this step, it is necessary in causing us to slow down and really take a close look and gain understanding of each paragraph separately, in order to understand the whole.

Were you able to determine the people group mentioned in 19:7-8; 19:14 and 17:14?   Here again, it is important to understand who they are so that we get a correct interpretation of what occurs when Jesus returns.

If you have not been creating a timeline during your study so far - I would suggest that you begin one now, beginning with Rev. 19:1 "after these things". You can always go back later and draw out a timeline consistent with your studies which will highlight what happens before chapter 19.

I would highly suggest that this week you answer every question in the Questions for Discussion or Individual Study. It will help to solidify all that you have learned about the returning of Jesus.

And by all means... don't forget to enter into the invitation, given on Day Six in your study guide.... HAVE FUN!

Just a quick update. My mother will be having open heart surgery early this morning. I thank you for your prayers and will let you know how she is doing later on this evening.

Love you!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Returning of Jesus...

Hi! I'm finally here! After reading through this post, I'm thinking that you will either continue to love me or that you might be considering changin' your mind!

I am going to try to be as succinct as I can; hopefully explaining (from my own Bible Study notes) why I had you looking up the verses that you went over in class last Thursday. I just believe that if I leave as much of 'myself' out of this post as possible... the better. You may find a few new verses here (new to us...always been there!)

Remember to pray before you enter into this particular study time, trusting that God Himself will show you what you need to know, at this particular time.

OK, deep breath... and here we go!

In Matthew 24:15-16 we read...

"Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains."

According to the verses that I had you look up... you would have seen EDOM mentioned. This is a mountainous wilderness in Southern Jordan. You would have also read of Bozrah, this is a city mentioned in the Old Testament which is located in Edom... it's name means 'sheep pen'. There is a place called Petra, within this same area, that is a rock fortress, and which many believe to be the place of refuge for 'the woman' (Israel) during the 3 1/2 years.

Isaiah 33:16-17

"He will dwell on the heights, his refuge will be the impregnable rock; his bread will be given him, his water will be sure. Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; they will behold a far-distant land."

According to your study, do you think that it could be here that the LORD will provide a place in the wilderness for the 'woman', for the sheep of His pasture?

Read Micah 2:12-13

"I will surely assemble all of you, Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel. I will put them together like sheep in the fold its pasture; they they will be noisy with men. The breaker goes up before them; they break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it. So their king goes on before them, and the LORD at their head."

(Just asking... did these verses remind you of your study in John... you know, the sheep, the Gate, the Water, the Bread? Like I said... just askin'!)

Petra - The Red Rose CityRead Isaiah 34:6...

"The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is sated with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom."

Now read carefully through Isaiah 34

Now read carefully through Isaiah 63. Think through all that you have read in Revelation regarding the 'winepress' and the garments of Jesus when he returns.

Ok, so after careful study of all the verses that I gave you for last Thursday and the few new ones of tonight, and after reading through Revelation, this is what I believe. You don't have to agree, I'm simply sharing what my study thus far has shown me...

The garments of Jesus are dyed with blood upon His return, but it is not His blood, but rather the blood from the war with the armies of the beast that have chased the 'woman' from Jerusalem to Edom.

Read Revelation 19:11-13, Jeremiah 49:13-16, 22

So here is what I am thinking...

Jesus returns first to Bozrah in Edom

He then goes to Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives

Then to the Temple Mount

I am purposely not including the details of His return; such as the separating of the sheep and the goats and going into detail regarding the 1,000 year reign. I think you have enough to keep yourselves busy with for now, and besides, there are still a few weeks left to cover all of that!

Looking forward to joining you, whenever I can, in the Study Room.

With love,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayer Request...

Please pray for Takako.
This dear woman has just been recently told that her cancer has now spread to her brain.

Many, if not all of you girls have heard Angie speak often of Takako.
I had the joy of meeting her last July when we went to visit Angie's Auntie Jean, I remember that when I was about to take her picture, she quietly asked me, "Is my wig on straight?" I was so astonished and said, "Takako! I didn't even know that you were wearing a wig!"

She smiled the sweetest smile, which was captured in the picture above.

God's banner over this precious woman is 'Love'...
and so as we pray for God's will to be done in Takako's life,
we are praying beyond all that we ourselves could ever ask or think.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Sixth Bowl Poured Out...

click on the maps to enlarge

Hi Girls. I thank you so much for your prayers and telephone calls, that not only show your love towards me, but also your faith and trust in God. We all know what these moments in time are like, they happen to each one of us at one time or another, yet we also know the power and strength of our God in the midst of them. All is well with this girl's soul!

Now let's be about getting us some serious Bible Study going here!

I may not have the time that I thought I would (to go into the detail that I thought I would) regarding the verses that I am about to give to you - but that which I do have.... do I give unto you!

OK, so here is what we are after in our reading of the Scripture references that are to follow...

- To widen our scope of understanding regarding the different references to battles in Rev. 11-19

- To determine where Jesus goes after He descends

- Look at the map below and then read through Rev. 14:17-20; 16:12-16; 19:11-21. The circle in the map shows a 200-mile radius around Jerusalem. Write down all that your learn from these verses. (Click on the maps to enlarge them)

- Read Zechariah 12:1-3; 14:15 and list what you learn about the nations and about Jerusalem.

OK, so here is a question. From your study this week, do you think that the end-time campaigns begin when the unholy trinity sends out their spirits of demons and gathers the kings of the earth together in the valley of Har-Magedon (the valley of Jezreel) to attack Jerusalem (Rev.16:12-16)?
If so, then where does the Lord come from and where does He go to?

To gain a deeper understanding read through:
Isaiah 34 -35 paying special attention to 'nations'; 'the Lord' (God); Edom and Bozrah (mark them the same way as Bozrah is in Edom); Zion

Then write down where the sword 'satiated in heaven' descends for judgement; then note what happens to the nations' armies.

Are you still hanging in there? Good!

Read Isaiah 63:1-6. But before you do, look at the map to see where Edom is (this is the land of Esau's descendants - I said this, because the Bible always identifies Edom with Esau). We know that Bozrah is in Edom. Now go ahead and read Isaiah 63:16 and write down everything that you learn about the One Who comes from Edom.

You might want to go back and read Rev.14:19-20; 19:11-21 regarding the 'wine-press' and the garments of Jesus.

Read Habukkuk 3:3-15 and see where God comes from and why (by the way Teman and Mount Paran are in Edom, same mountain range as Mt. Seir)

So here are some of my thoughts, but I will pose them as questions...
Is Edom the wilderness where the remnant of Jews will be nourished by the Lord for 3 1/2 years? (Rev. 12:6; 13-17; Matthew 24:15-26

Will the nations (under the leadership of the beast) go from Megiddo to Jerusalem to battle and then, having experienced victory, go on to Bozrah in Edom with the intention of wiping out the remnant of Jews? (Read Jeremiah 49:13-22) An interesting thought... the distance from the valley of Har-Magedon to Bozrah is about 200 miles.

Is this the reason the beast (king) in Daniel 11:41 can't conquer Edom, Moab, and Ammon (all present day Jordan) when he wants to, that it is the wilderness where the remnant is?

Read through Judges 5:4-5. Mount Seir and Edom are mentioned, yet the battle of Deborah and Barak with Sisera was at Megiddo, which is far north of Edom.

Read Joel 2:30-3:21. Could Jesus descend at Edom and then move on to the valley of Jehosaphat, just outside Jerusalem?
Read Rev. 14:17-20 again and look at where the wine-press is trodden.

I am so sorry that all this is presented in my own stilted personal Bible study note form, but I hope that this gets you all thinking and that it helps you hit our two main purposes for even doing it in the first place!

You may want to print this out and use it during your class time together.

I am hoping to be with you all tomorrow morning, but if that doesn't happen, I will definitely be meeting with you in the Study Room where we can go even deeper!

Lovin' each one of you,

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Seven Bowls of the Wrath of God

Although we were told that the study workload would be lighter this week. I am finding myself deeper in study than in any week previous!

It is so important, especially at this point in our study, that we remember that what John is seeing is a vision... and that this vision is still YET to come. And this applies not only literally, but figuratively as well, for instance, Revelation 16:16 sees it's 'vision fulfillment' in Revelation 19:19.

Because our weekly Gathering on Thursday is time limited to only being able to contain so much, it is almost critical at this point, that we use the Study Room to further the teaching and our knowledge of Scripture.

I am currently compiling my notes from my own completed study and am focusing on Revelation 16:12-16. This is the portion of the chapter that speaks of what occurs at the pouring out of the Sixth Bowl. It is so vital that we understand what is happening here, so that our study, yet to come, will make sense to us. And so in the next few days I will be posting Scriptures from Isaiah, Zechariah, Habukkuk, Matthew, Jeremiah and others (including the song of Deborah) so that we can gain a deeper insight into the nations, the Lord God, Edom, Moab, and Ammon (all present day Jordan) and where the Lord goes when He leaves heaven and descends to the earth as the Conquering King.

If you could continue to pray for me I would be so thankful.

We are closing in on the final chapters of Revelation and we want to finish strong! Blessings upon each one of you!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sand and Sea...

OK, so how are you all doing this week as you study your way through Revelation Chapters 13 and 14? I am always hesitant to do any extended teaching in the Study Room until I know that you have completed your homework, simply because I know that the joy of discovering Truth for yourself is so wonderful!

However, you have all been so quiet this week that I thought I would be on pretty safe ground if I simply brought something up from last week and carried it over to the first few verses of Chapter 13.

Do you remember in our last class when we were discussing Chapter 12:15-16 regarding the serpent pouring 'water out like a river' with the intent of causing the woman 'to be swept away with the flood'? I had pointed you towards Psalm 124 as a point of reference regarding the 'river of water' and the ensuing 'flood' as a description of the Gentile nations' persecution of the Jews.

As we move into Revelation Chapter 13 we now see the dragon standing on the 'sand of the seashore', and the beast 'coming up out of the sea'. (I remember teaching this during our year long study in Daniel and Jenny Daly just being on the edge of her seat as understanding began to settle into her!)
We always need to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture and so let's look at Revelation 17:1...
"Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, "come here, I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who sits on many waters..."

Now let's look at Revelation 17:15...
And he said to me, 'The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.

Now read Revelation 20:7-8...
"When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore."

Remember to use, use, use, this Study Room girls! Your Study Room! It is here for you to use to gain further teaching and learning as you study throughout the week. Ask questions, share your insights, your frustrations, your joys.

ppssst... ( Now that you have read over today's posting... check out Revelation 21:1 and perhaps you will gain further understanding of what this verse actually means!)
Love you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blessed... On All Points

Hi Girls!

I so enjoyed being with you all this morning... I miss you all so much when I am not able to be there. This morning I was still coming down from a reaction I had the other day and so I felt like I was completely, or at least somewhat, 'out of it'. You were all so good to just let me sit and go through the Scriptures with you as we shared together all that we had learned.

And then, to be blessed in such a bountiful way! After I ran my afternoon errands (no need to stop at Roots for Quinoa today!), I came home and had a bowl of oatmeal with one of the jinormous pears from the fruit gifting that you blessed me with... yummy!

The tulips are so cheery, and the little bird house will be eye-candy for Makenna until I can place it among the Lavender in my garden this year, and the note paper and little cards will be definitely well used!

The book on the historical and cultural insights regarding the book of Revelation will also be much enjoyed and referenced, for sure! I loved the little note tucked inside regarding our 'brief survey' of Revelation that we are now in, and your anticipation of me preparing the 'full meal deal' course for you! Hmm-mm...

Just needed you to know that you blessed me on all points this morning, and I thank God for every one of you.

Enjoy your time in God's Word this week and remember to use our Study Room to even further deepen your study times and to share with the other girls.

Love you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

By Invitation Only...

Hi Girls!  Welcome to your new, by Invitation Only Bible Study Room, and thank you for your e-mailed and telephone responses, this is your Room after all and it is important that we are able to converse in such a way as is authentic to what we are experiencing as we go through this study, and that includes voicing our questions and queries in a safe and loving atmosphere, without always being aware of the need to be cautious in regards to who might be listening in and perhaps them not understanding or even misinterpreting what we say.

I am looking forward to the weeks yet to come and will definitely (unless God has another plan) be there next Thursday!

Love you all,


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bible Study Day!

From the left... Jan, Wendy, Angie, Edna, Joan

What a great way to begin this New Year! And although all the girls were not able to join us this morning, for those of us that were able to attend, it was just plain enjoyable being together again.

We covered Revelation Chapters 6 and 7 and are already anticipating next week.
The Bible Study Room is now open for further discussion of this week's lesson, so I'll hand it over to all of you and will look forward to joining in myself shortly!

Monday, January 4, 2010