Hi Girls!
I so enjoyed being with you all this morning... I miss you all so much when I am not able to be there. This morning I was still coming down from a reaction I had the other day and so I felt like I was completely, or at least somewhat, 'out of it'. You were all so good to just let me sit and go through the Scriptures with you as we shared together all that we had learned.
And then, to be blessed in such a bountiful way! After I ran my afternoon errands (no need to stop at Roots for Quinoa today!), I came home and had a bowl of oatmeal with one of the jinormous pears from the fruit gifting that you blessed me with... yummy!
The tulips are so cheery, and the little bird house will be eye-candy for Makenna until I can place it among the Lavender in my garden this year, and the note paper and little cards will be definitely well used!
The book on the historical and cultural insights regarding the book of Revelation will also be much enjoyed and referenced, for sure! I loved the little note tucked inside regarding our 'brief survey' of Revelation that we are now in, and your anticipation of me preparing the 'full meal deal' course for you! Hmm-mm...
Just needed you to know that you blessed me on all points this morning, and I thank God for every one of you.
Enjoy your time in God's Word this week and remember to use our Study Room to even further deepen your study times and to share with the other girls.
Love you!

Hi Girls and Welcome!
I am looking forward to going even deeper in our study this week as we share in the Study Room our questions and queries and insights!
Let the Week begin!
Hi Cathie,
I so enjoyed our study today. It helped me to calm down and realize I am understanding more than I thought I did and with your extra help I even learned more.
Wish you could be there every time but am thankful for each and every Thursday. I will keep this Thursday in my memory bank for a long time.
Also thank you so much for sending us the recipes. I hope to try some if I ever have free time!
Hi everyone!! This is me on the blog finally! Boy it's a new year, the renewal of spring is coming, I'm a new me, and I am studying with a new vigor I've only glimpsed before!
We were talking a little about spiritual bondage on Thursday. Driving into town, I pass St. George's Anglican church and read their sign... quite often they say the wierdest things that have nothing to do with bringing people to Christ (I won't get into my thoughts on the Anglican church in Maple Ridge/Vancouver). The sign they have up now says "From the bondage of sorrow, captives dream dreams." What does that even mean?
We know that Jesus came to set the captives free, that the fruit of the Spirit is JOY, that we can rejoice in the Lord always, that He will wipe every tear from our eyes, and that our destiny in Christ is wilder than any dream! We are His bondslaves, and His burden is light! The only bondage a believer is under is that which we allow.
On that note, I would like to share with you. You may be surprised to learn that I have been under bondage (voluntarily, as noted before) the whole time you have known me. For eight years, I have smoked pot virtually daily. Even as the spirit within me grieved at my actions, I continued, with all sorts of justifications whispering through my head (it calms my stomach, it helps me sleep, it helps me relax, and on and on). Frank and I would talk about quitting, just before we'd go get some more... Oh yeah, I know about habitual sin and grieving the Spirit! However, in December, something in our hearts changed and we decided that we would be clean come January 1st. I think deciding to try for a baby played a part, but we were finally ready to give in to God and let go of our earthly pleasure. And we have been free since Dec 31! It wasn't even hard this time (we've tried before) and I just know it was the power of Christ, where maybe before we relied on our own strength. I feel new and free and light as a feather, out from under the weight of my guilt and sin. I know that I will be able to connect with God in a much deeper way, having allowed Him to remove the obstruction to right relationship with Him. Thank you Father!
So this new year is the beginning of a new era in my life, and I know that this Bible study group was instrumental in bringing me to this place. So thank you.
I love you! Just after I said to you when are you going to post on the blog ? as you have so many good things to say,you share this with us!
How great it is that we can be so open in our trials with our Christian brothers and sisters.
Have a great week!
Love Margaret
Precious Cat, the power of Christ is an amazing thing indeed.
On Thursday, during the discussion that you alluded to, I saw a brief look pass between you and your mom, it was a look of understood victory and so it was with great delight that I read your comments this morning.
Cat, your confession and openness, not only before God, but also before your sisters in Christ, brings glory to the One that has given you this magnificent new Life that you are walking in.
I thank you for being so willing to live 'open' before us, and for sharing in such an honest way... a way that would encourage us all to do the same.
There is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus sweetheart, only Mercy and Grace, Forgiveness and blessed Freedom... Cat, I thank God that you and Frank have stepped through the Door of Newness of Life and are experiencing an ever greater depth to That which you already know. I will continue to uphold you in joyful and loving prayer!
Wendy, you've got one darlin' of a girl here.
Hi Debbie! You most certainly do understand more than you initially thought you did... how do I know?... Because of the questions that you ask!
Debbie, your questions are actually birthed from those things that ARE understood, which means you are 'catching' A LOT during your study time... because you have A LOT of questions! I love it!!!
And you are very welcome for the recipes... I hope that they bless you!
I sure do! Thank You Lord!! and thankyou girls.
Was reading an essay last night on 'once saved always saved'...and it clarified that stand so much more to me so that I feel I can stop worrying so much about my son and his current choices (not that worrying ever did much good!!)
Diving into Chap 13 today! Am going to miss you girls this Thurs...even if I am on the beach!!
Hi Kat & Wendy,
Kat I just had to respond to your message. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing with us. Whether you realize it or not it helps me in so many ways to understand how we all have problems and that the answer is always turning to God. Keep up the good work and I so enjoy the contributions you give us on Thursdays. I always marvel that someone so young can have such a great understanding! You are miles ahead of me in understanding but so gracious towards my slow learning. You will be in my prayers.
Wendy & Cat have a great holiday. We will miss you both!
I love you too Margaret! & Cathie & Debbie & Angie & Marnie & Jan & Edna & Joan & Mom ... Debbie, I don't think you give yourself enough credit! I've had 25 years of learning. I was blessed to be born into a Christian family with a mom who has always talked to me like an adult about spiritual things, who sent me to Christian school and dragged me to church every Sunday. God blessed me and gave me understanding, what credit is that to me? And I still made a ton of bad decisions, knowing full well they were bad!
You, on the other hand, have been striving to live as Christ and to understand & apply His Word for the whole of your Christian walk! You struggle and still you press on. That, to me, is far more remarkable.
FYI if anyone's wondering, contrary to what my email would suggest, I spell Cat with a C
Dear Cat,
I too, want to respond to you. I read your message this morning and Praise God! for the freedom I know that you are experiencing. All your [sisters-in-Christ] will hold you ever so close in prayer. There is a verse that has been one of my favourites for many years and I have found it to be my anchor and source of strength. Phillipians 1:6
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
I grew up in a christian home and gave "my life to the Lord" as a teenager...then proceeded to start putting one foot in the world and the rest is history. God did begin that good work in me while in my teens but there was a pause in His plans for me.
You said it perfectly Cat, when we think we can do it ourselves is when we run into trouble. I often think that I became a "believer" in my teens but did not even come close to giving "my life to the Lord"...it is something that I have to do daily because in myself and without HIM I can do nothing! I can only Thank God! for teaching me that. We are a work in "progress".
I join Debbie in saying that you are such a gift to our group. So many times with precious "few" words you say so "much." Thank you!
Cat and Wendy, I know that you are going to have a special holiday together and look forward to seeing your tanned bodies back soon! You have no idea how difficult that is for me to say...I may have to go find me a sunlamp!
Dear Cat,
You have been such a blessing to me in the short time I've known you. For one so very young, your understanding continues to blow me away. I know you have told me before about your Christian upbringing but I know there is so much more to it. I also admire your courage, not just from the revelations about yourself but how you stand firm in your beliefs. Remember the questions you put to different pastors this fall? I can also remember some of the strong statements you have made in class. You always stand for what you believe; I see you as a great witness for Christ. God truly uses our weaknesses to show His strenth.
Have a wonderful,safe holiday.
Blessings to you and your husband.
In God's love forever,
I'm almost done my study for the week... I know I've written a lot already, but since I won't be here Thursday anyway, I'll share my thoughts as they come to me. In practical application, what has impressed upon me in Ch 13&14 is be careful who & what you worship. It is so easy to focus on things, people, trials, worries more than we focus on God and the work He is doing in us through these things. And when we put them before Him, essentially we are worshipping them.
I was watching some TV today (don't do that much) and happened to watch Criss Angel: Mindfreak. I don't know if you've seen it, but there is a man being used by Satan in a powerful way! He does some pretty crazy things (even walking on water), using them to his glory and profit. It's amazing to see the way people worship him! I believe he is genuinely tapping into supernatural power, but it's not of God. It's more like "Look at me! Look what I can do!"
We are warned that in the last days, there will be many "antichrists" or replacement messiahs (I believe in Matthew). And people fall all over themselves to follow and worship the lie.
Contrast that with the two witnesses, who will have all kinds of supernatural powers. They will use them not for personal gain, but as a witness to bring glory to God. And the nations will revile them! Anything but the truth, hey?
So I'm striving to worship God above all things and in all things. And when I fail, thank you Jesus for Your abundant mercy and grace.
Well said Cat... enjoy the leisure and warmth of your holiday sweetheart, your sisters will keep the 'home' fires burning for you!
Love, Cathie
Just signing in to say: Hasta Luego!!Love you all. have a great week and we'll talk to you next week.....God bless!!
Hi Kat...by the time you read this you will been on your holidays and returned and wondering where that time had disappeared to and planning your return visit.
Kat, you are an amazing young women. I have seen in you so much strength and wisdom and I thank you for being who you are and for sharing with us. God is so good and He continues to use us wherever we are in our walk with Him.
You have been an inpiraton to me and I have much to learn from you.
I am so happy for you and Frank and what is ahead of you.
Looking forward to seeing you and you mom next week :)..
Love to you.
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