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One of my very favourite Christmas carols is 'Joy to the World!', and as our On-Line study winds down in anticipation of the upcoming Christmas season I just wanted to say thank you for spending time with us in the Study Room as we learn more about the returning of our King.
Of course, there is no thrilling of the heart at His second coming, if there has been no receiving in the heart of His first coming. And so it is my prayer that the fulfilling of the first lines of 'Joy to the World' would be evident in not only our own lives, but in the lives of our loved ones, family and friends...
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart, prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing!
May God bless you with the nearness of His presence this Christmas and may your heart truly sing in the knowing of it.
With love,

Thankyou so much Cathie for all your work on the blog, how you get these pictures on with comments so quickly is beyond me! I'd love to learn how you do it some time.
As you said we had a great morning together as a group and the bonus was having you lead us!
I am looking forward to the next month reviewing what we have studied already in Revelation, and meeting together again in January.
Hi Margaret, if you really want to learn I'll be calling you in a few days and you can come over for an afternoon with your lap top and I'll show you how!
I had a wonderful morning with you and the other girls... I'm looking forward to January already!
Hi Sisters
What a wonderful to way for me to get back into the groove of our bible study.While we were away on holidays not once did I missing home. As I sat in our study yesterday morning it was very evident to me that what I did miss was my bible study sisters, our interaction, sharing, exploring, discovering and learning more of the bible together.
The event was full of surprises. Wendys wonderful collecton of jams for our choosing.
Angie's Christmas shopping table full of treasures for each of us AND dessert, of course was awesome.
Thank you Angie for opening your home once again for our gathering.
What a wonderful way to end our Revelation study for the year.
To my sisters in Christ..I have enjoyed my walk with you in this study. Each of you have a special place in my heart and I thank you.
So, ladies, until next year.......
Hi everyone,
I am sure missing our study together but that will make it all the sweeter when we start again. I too had a lovely time last Thursday and am so blessed to be in the company of such sincere and friendly sisters. Angie thank you so much for opening you home to us once again. Even though you say it is nothing, we all know that it is extra work for you and you do it so joyfuly. And Cathie thank you for leading us and sharing your thoughts. That was like receiving a gift for no special reason from someone who loves you. I still have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside when I think about last Thursday.
Of course I have to close with just ONE MORE QUESTION:Tonight I was listening to David Hocking and someone had written in to ask if anyone is predestined to go to hell and David's answer was no.
Well this confused me a bit because I want the answer to be no but I thought Cathie, you told us that everyone's name was written in the book before God created us and also that everyone who was to be saved was also decided at that time. I think I have gone wrong somewhere so please help me get back on track.
Hey Debbie! I was trying to remember if you were in the year long study of Romans with us a few years back, but I don't think that you were.
The question that you raise is a good one and although our salvation does not hinge on the understanding of it all, it is important that we know what God says in His Word regarding this subject.
So-o-o, if you want a little homework I would suggest reading through Romans 9; and if possible Romans 8, 9 and 10. Just stick with this for now and then we can discuss this further in our class when we resume in January!
Love you Debbie!
Every time I look at the pictures of my sisters at our windup at Angie's the joy I have makes my heart smile :).
That's all I gotta say.....
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