Well, my 'Home Girl's' will be gathering tomorrow, so I know that in all probability they will be trying to find a little extra study time at some point today in preparation for the anticipated lively discussion!
Revelation 4 and 5 could be considered the 'foundational chapters', which set the stage (so to speak) of all that will be revealed in Chapters 6 through 22.
I would highly suggest that from this point onwards, at the beginning of each new week of study, that you would review the Basics of Revelation and then review each Chapter that you have studied; if you do not have time to review Chapter by Chapter as we get deeper into our study, then review Segment by Segment.
For example:
The Basics of Revelation
- God gave the revelation (the unveiling) to Jesus,
- Jesus gave it to the angel,
- the angel showed it to John
- It is the unveiling of things that will occur soon,
- God wants His bond-servants to know these things,
- He wants them to not only read them, but also heed them
- Jesus told John what to write and where to send it (to the 7 churches of Asia),
- Revelation is a book of prophecy,
- It describes events before and after the Lord's coming
The Three Main Segment Divisions
- The things John saw - Jesus in the midst of the churches (Rev. 1)
- The things which are - the 7 churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3)
- The things that will take place after these things (Rev. 4-22)
Of course, you will find smaller segment divisions within the larger main segment divisions, Chapters 4 and 5 being a good example of this.
The reason for the review each week, whether in brief or more thorough, is to keep ever before you what you have already learned and also so that you do not lose sight of why Revelation was written. I have found over the years that it is just about now, when approaching Chapters 4 and 5 that some people have the tendency to get 'a little weird' in their initial observations!
Take for instance two of the references to the 'four living creatures' in the centre and around the throne as seen in 4:6 and 4:8. There are definite similarities in 4:6 to Ezekiel 1:5-21; just as there are definite similarities between 4:8 and Isaiah 6:15. Similarities, but also distinct differences. Reading too much into this can take our eyes off the point of this Chapter, which is Worship in Heaven of God the Father, the Almighty. Whether they are cheribum or seraphim should not be taking up the majority of your study time! The short answer is that they are celestial beings who worship God the Father in Heaven.
Now, when it comes to the 'twenty-four' elders, I will give you a heads-up if you have not all ready come across it on your own. In 4:4, 10-11 you have already read about them... so here is the tip - in 4:10 the word for the 'crowns' that these elders cast down is STEPHANOS, it runs in contrast to the word DIADEMA which is the word used in Rev. 12:3; 13:1; and 19:12. STEPHANOS is used in the New Testament of 'rewards or crowns of victorious believers'; you will find STEPHANOS in 1 Peter 5:4. That's all I am sayin'! We can talk about it later in the Comment Cafe!
By the way, (and this is a definite shout out to the Home Girl's), do you remember last week while I was in class with you and I happened to ask you whether you realized that not only were YOU CHOSEN before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4)... but that CHRIST was also CHOSEN before the foundation of the world? I didn't give you the scriptural reference to that because I wanted to save it until we came to our study of Revelation 5, so now that we are here, take a look at 5:6 where we see the Lamb standing between the throne and the elders. Then go to 1 Peter 1:18-19 and see how the Lamb redeemed us, and then drop down to v.20 and there it is.... "For He (the Lamb) was FOREKNOWN before the foundation of the earth. FOREKNOWN how? Foreknown as the CHOSEN ONE... Luke 9:35, Luke 23:35. In light of our past study in Romans, perhaps this thrills your heart as much as it does mine! I am just going to leave that with you and if you want to discuss it further, we can do so in the Comment Cafe.
And remember, in all of your study, don't lose sight of the fact that the whole point, the whole thrust of Revelation 4 is the Worship in Heaven of God the Father (The Almighty); and that the whole point, the whole thrust of Revelation 5 is the Worship in Heaven of God the Son (The Lamb). It is on the foundation of these Chapters that the rest of Revelation will rest.
My wireless mouse battery is dying so I don't have time to 'proof'! So here is my regular disclaimer - unless you find something doctrinally dangerous, just deal and move on!
Love you!

Welcome! I am always encouraged when you show up and share what is on your heart... pull up a chair and make yourself at home, the other girls should be here shortly!
Thankyou so much Cathie for all your work on the blog, how you get these pictures on with comments so quickly is beyond me! I'd love to learn how you do it some time.
As you said we had a great morning together as a group and the bonus was having you lead us!
I am looking forward to the next month reviewing what we have studied already in Revelation, and meeting together again in January.
What a beautiful way to end our study as we break for Christmas. I am thinking of the star that led the shepherds and magi to Bethlehem where Jesus was born and when they saw the Child they fell to their knees and worshipped Him. As we have studied in Revelation, one of the promises given to us as overcomers, Rev 2:28 "and I will give him the morning star." This led me to Rev 22:16 "I, Jesus have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star." We ended our study today with chapters 4 and 5 which takes place in heaven in the praise and worship of God and His Son. I will "treasure" this glimpse of what is to come throughout this Christmas season!
Love you Angie.
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