(Well, I promised Margaret that this posting would be done by midnight... and as I am ready to push the button of completion, I notice that I still have 6 minutes to spare! Whoo-hoo!)
Hi Girls! Today I received 4 phone calls and 3 e-mails inquiring as to whether everything was OK with me! Honestly, I just have to say that I was pleased that I was missed at all because that means that you are checking out the postings!
In actuality... I'm great! The past few days have just been very FULL and I have not had the time to actually sit myself down and post! I made another attempt earlier today, when the phone rang and my son and daughter-in-law and grand baby had an hour to spare before having to head off to an appointment, so over they came for a quick bite to eat and a visit - just as I was waving them goodbye in the driveway, my youngest pulled in and was ready for his dinner. So back to the kitchen I went. Now the dishes are done, the house is quiet and I have my few moments to write... such are the days ordained for me that are written in God's book (Psalm 139)!
Although I was intending on writing something completely different for this posting, I can save that for another time, because in completely separate instances today three of our sisters were asking me about Revelation 3:5 in respect to the Book of Life that is mentioned... so why don't we just look briefly (or at least, as briefly as I know how to be) at that, and then perhaps we can have some further discussion on it in the Comment Cafe.
By the way, the picture that I chose for today's posting is definitely not my personal library! I just thought that it was interesting as it is a picture of a bookshelf in the Codrington Library at All Souls College in Oxford England... I wonder if they are aware of the books that God keeps that truly contain 'all souls'! Anyway, as Joan would say... "But Cathie, you digress"...
As we begin to read through the initial verses of Revelation 3, the one thing that we see in our observation, is actually the thing that is missing! Where is the commendation that has usually accompanied the beginnings of each letter so far! The absence of the commendation should be a key within itself that will unlock the meaning of this chapter.
Jesus, the Living One (1:18); the One Who was dead and behold is alive forevermore (1:18); the One Who has the keys of death and Hades (1:18) starts off the letter reminding the church at Sardis that He knows their deeds... that they have garnered a name, a reputation for themselves as being alive - but they are really... dead. Now, if anyone knows and is able to judge what is dead and what is living, it is The Living One Who has experienced death for all mankind and Who has conquered the grave! This is a vital message to this church, they were dying and yet were believing their own press as being gloriously alive.
Sardis is a dying church, yet the Great Physician was administering to them the antidote (so to speak) of this death. Jesus tells them to WAKE UP! (v.2) and that if they do not WAKE UP!, He would "come like a thief, and (they) would not know at what hour (He) will come to them)."
Why would they not know the hour of the Lord's Return? Because the church in Sardis was dead asleep! No wonder Jesus instructs them to WAKE UP! The day of the Lord was upon them (Thess.5:2), it was time to WAKE UP, it was the time to be alert and sober! Jesus instructs them in the three-fold antidote to the inevitable death that this church was heading towards... they were to REMEMBER what they had received and heard, they were to KEEP what they had received and heard, they were to REPENT (Rev. 3:3).
In order to understand this better we need to go to 1 Thessalonians 5:11-6, go ahead and read this in your Bible, I'll wait for you...
Jesus makes it clear in Rev. 3:1,2 that He not only knew their deeds (remember, He walks in the midst of the church Rev. 2:1), but He had not found their deeds to be completed in the sight of God. Their deeds were not complete in the sight of God, because they had (so to speak) fallen asleep on the job! And by the way, if it is not complete, then it is not real. Check out Philippians 1:6... "For I am confident of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
How did this happen? How DOES this happen? Well, in our reading of 1 Thessalonians we saw the contrast of those that are in darkness and those that are in Light. For those that are in darkness, the coming of Christ (the Day of the Lord) will be sudden and unexpected, they will be caught 'unawares'; but for the believer, who is looking for His coming, we are anticipating and 'prepared ready' for the Day of His Returning.
(If you can indulge me just a little bit more I promise you I will get to the Book of Life!)
From our study of God's Word, we can see that the understanding of unbelievers has been darkened (Eph. 4:18; 5:8) and we learned from our past study in John (3:19-20) that they love the darkness and are controlled by the powers of darkness (Eph.6:11-12) and that unless they receive The Light, they are headed for eternal darkness (Matt. 8:12)
Yet we also see that the believer is a child of Light (Eph. 5:8-14), once ourselves in darkness, but now in the Light, we are to now live in the Light, sober and alert, AWAKE! to the Returning of Christ our Lord.
So my question was, how did the church at Sardis fall asleep, how did they become a DYING church? We see the answer for this in the antidote that Jesus Himself gives them in Rev. 3:3; they had FORGOTTEN what they had received and heard; they had not KEPT what they had received and heard; they had TURNED AWAY from what they had received and heard.
As much as I want to discuss the 'overcomers' and the 'white garments' of Rev 3:4-5, we can look at this more closely when we get to Chapters 6 and 7; but for now let's just look at the 'Book of Life' in v.5.
I am trusting that you have done your cross referencing and perhaps dug a little deeper on your own regarding this Book, but in brief, from my study of God's Word, this 'Book of Life' mentioned in Rev. 3 contains the names of every single person that has ever been born on the face of this earth... all of them - and, those that are yet to come. Those who reject Christ are blotted out of this Book, because they are dead and not alive.
There is also another book, The Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 21:27); all true believer's have their names recorded in this book, and they will go from Life to Life. (We will be studying this much deeper when we get farther on in the study!) Those who do not have their name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life are thrown into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:15), which is the second death.
It is evident, from our study of the church at Sardis, that there were many there that had 'soiled garments', those that would continue to 'sleep' the sleep of the unrepentant. Those that did not 'remember' nor 'keep' what they had at first received. Our past study in John 15 will give greater insight into who these people were; further study in Revelation will show us that there are many that 'play church', but are still in the darkness of death.
When I read about the church at Sardis, it thrills my heart with hope, and the mercy of God is written all over that blessed letter... WAKE UP! strengthen what remains...REMEMBER what you have received and heard; KEEP what you have received and heard; REPENT, which means to TURN from the course that you are on and return to your first Love.
Those who had the 'spiritual ears' to hear what the Spirit was saying to the church at Sardis, would indeed awake and partake in the three fold antidote offered to them by Christ Himself, those who only had ears to hear the 'other voice' (John 8:43-47) would remain in the darkness of sleep, soon to stand before the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15), where the books would be opened and they would be judged on their deeds.
I hope this has aided you in your study... the week's to come will only add more to your understanding. I love each one of you and am looking forward to seeing my Home Girls soon... in class!

Thank you so much Cathie for your wonderful exposition on Rev.3:5 Did you find all these cross references in your Bible? What a wonderful example of Scripture interpreting Scripture!
Like you said to me it would be a great study to delve into all the books mentioned in the Bible and what they are.
As you said how gracious our Lord is, He loved this church of Sardis and wanted them to wake up and realise what they had become.
Hi Margaret! You are so welcome, I enjoyed writing it. A few years back I had begun a leisurely look at all 'the books' that are mentioned in the Bible... the Book of Remembrance (Malachi 3:16), the Book of Covenant (Exodus 24:7) and many others including the 'Little Book' of Revelation 10:2. Much of what I wrote last night was gleaned from that study.
I was also looking deeper into Isaiah 4:3 and Daniel 12:1 last night, in preparation for teaching Revelation 12-20. We have so much to look forward to in this overview study of Revelation!
I enjoyed our 'chat' yesterday and can hardly wait to join you and the other girls, 'in class'!
With love,
Hi Cathie and everyone, I too am happy to hear that all is well with you. I was beginning to feel slight tugs of worry that you might be unwell. Like Margaret, I want to thank you so very much for all you shared with us in your comments from yesterday. I am getting much better at digging into the cross-references but you have a wonderful way of explaining things, You are a born teacher; I so enjoy listening to you [or reading what you have written.] I still struggle for clarity and you have a special way of making things clear. I have had a bit of a problem knowing the exact meaning of all the promised made to the overcomers. I am trying to understand the meaning of the promises made. I spoke briefly to Joan about it and she said we would speak more about the promises Thursday so I am looking forward to that.
Waiting with great anticipation to see you again, Cathie
Hi Jan! It was so good to be with you and the other girls on Thursday morning, I enjoyed it so much! And about those promises, we will definitely be looking, even closer, at each one of them as we make our way through Revelation... God is not done talking about them or revealing more about them yet!
Love you sweetheart,
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