click on the maps to enlarge
I may not have the time that I thought I would (to go into the detail that I thought I would) regarding the verses that I am about to give to you - but that which I do have.... do I give unto you!
OK, so here is what we are after in our reading of the Scripture references that are to follow...
- To widen our scope of understanding regarding the different references to battles in Rev. 11-19
- To determine where Jesus goes after He descends
- Look at the map below and then read through Rev. 14:17-20; 16:12-16; 19:11-21. The circle in the map shows a 200-mile radius around Jerusalem. Write down all that your learn from these verses. (Click on the maps to enlarge them)
- Read Zechariah 12:1-3; 14:15 and list what you learn about the nations and about Jerusalem.
OK, so here is a question. From your study this week, do you think that the end-time campaigns begin when the unholy trinity sends out their spirits of demons and gathers the kings of the earth together in the valley of Har-Magedon (the valley of Jezreel) to attack Jerusalem (Rev.16:12-16)?
If so, then where does the Lord come from and where does He go to?
To gain a deeper understanding read through:
Isaiah 34 -35 paying special attention to 'nations'; 'the Lord' (God); Edom and Bozrah (mark them the same way as Bozrah is in Edom); Zion
Then write down where the sword 'satiated in heaven' descends for judgement; then note what happens to the nations' armies.
Are you still hanging in there? Good!
Read Isaiah 63:1-6. But before you do, look at the map to see where Edom is (this is the land of Esau's descendants - I said this, because the Bible always identifies Edom with Esau). We know that Bozrah is in Edom. Now go ahead and read Isaiah 63:16 and write down everything that you learn about the One Who comes from Edom.
You might want to go back and read Rev.14:19-20; 19:11-21 regarding the 'wine-press' and the garments of Jesus.
Read Habukkuk 3:3-15 and see where God comes from and why (by the way Teman and Mount Paran are in Edom, same mountain range as Mt. Seir)
So here are some of my thoughts, but I will pose them as questions...
Is Edom the wilderness where the remnant of Jews will be nourished by the Lord for 3 1/2 years? (Rev. 12:6; 13-17; Matthew 24:15-26
Will the nations (under the leadership of the beast) go from Megiddo to Jerusalem to battle and then, having experienced victory, go on to Bozrah in Edom with the intention of wiping out the remnant of Jews? (Read Jeremiah 49:13-22) An interesting thought... the distance from the valley of Har-Magedon to Bozrah is about 200 miles.
Is this the reason the beast (king) in Daniel 11:41 can't conquer Edom, Moab, and Ammon (all present day Jordan) when he wants to, that it is the wilderness where the remnant is?
Read through Judges 5:4-5. Mount Seir and Edom are mentioned, yet the battle of Deborah and Barak with Sisera was at Megiddo, which is far north of Edom.
Read Joel 2:30-3:21. Could Jesus descend at Edom and then move on to the valley of Jehosaphat, just outside Jerusalem?
Read Rev. 14:17-20 again and look at where the wine-press is trodden.
I am so sorry that all this is presented in my own stilted personal Bible study note form, but I hope that this gets you all thinking and that it helps you hit our two main purposes for even doing it in the first place!
You may want to print this out and use it during your class time together.
I am hoping to be with you all tomorrow morning, but if that doesn't happen, I will definitely be meeting with you in the Study Room where we can go even deeper!
Lovin' each one of you,

Boy! That was a lot of references to look up in class!! And mostly confusing to to where you were going with this line of thought....Doesn't Jesus return to the Mt. of Olives as the angels said when he ascended?? Isn't the gathering of the nations to war in the valley of Jehosaphat..Armaggedan...???We were all confused...wish you were there...sooo many questions....
Hi Wendy, you are right, those were a lot of references to look up, but they will be well worth the effort, I promise you!
Where I was going with this line of thought are the two points that I made at the beginning of the post.
Yes, Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives and yes, the GATHERING of the nations to war is in the valley of Har-Magedon (the valley of Jezreel).
I will be posting either tomorrow evening or Saturday regarding this, but in the meantime (if you have the time) go over the Scriptures that I gave you as often as you can and ask yourself this...
does Rev. 16:16 say that the battle is fought at Har-Magedon.... or that the gathering of the kings of the earth happens there...?
Just keep reading and studying and praying your way through, and I will post as soon as I can... keep the discussion going girls, the Study Room is here for us to learn together!
Hi Cathie
I realised I posted on last weeks blog instead of this one!but you can read that one too. Anyway I wanted to say I find the last verse of Rev 17:18 confusing as the last times "that great city" is mentioned in chs.11:8 and 16:19 it is Jerusalem. This can't be Jerusalem
it seems more like Babylon
Hi Cathie,
I am having a difficult time with Chapt. 17. I have read and reread it;I have checked many of the cross references, particularly the ones near parts I don't understand. I finally resorted to a commentary, David Guzik, which helped a bit but I am struggling with this concept of world systems and a world religion that supports the world system.
I should be on day 3 of the study but I can't seem to move on when I still don't understand what is happening in Chapt. 17. I can't even formulate a specific question; I am so confused.
Jan, I to am struggling and can't seem to move forward. I, also went to David Guzik with the hopes that the light would go on, but "no light" went on. Tonight I am going to try it again. Hang in there.........
I am so sorry that I have not been more available for all of you. Tomorrow will be taken up until 3 o'clock and then I am going to sit down and visit with you all in the Study Room and try to assist you in your study... this has just been a unusually demanding week.
Angie, it grieved me that I was unable to be there with you on Friday, however, it was a precious time that I had praying for you and the girls that morning and Jennifer phoned me later in the evening to fill me all in!
I have been with my mother today and she will remain in hospital until her surgery which is scheduled for sometime next week (will find out more tomorrow from the cardiologist). It looks as if she will be having open heart surgery, so I am beginning to plan ahead in regards to taking care of her during the recovery process. She will be 81 in just a few weeks and so this surgery will take quit a bit out of her.
Thank you for every single prayer,
with love,
Hi Sisters,
I had such a hunger to sit and look at our study as I have missed several days, and it felt good to open and hold God's Word in my hands. For tonight, that was enough for me...God knows where each of us is and He will bless our efforts. I read each of your comments and struggles and I am thinking that what we need is a "group hug"...with Cathie in the middle!
We are praying for your Mom and all your family.
Please rest Cathie, you will need your strength for the coming days and we will be are so loved!
Cathie, PLEASE do not wear yourself out contending with your family issues as well as writing on the blog. If necesary we can go an extra week to get these things sorted out and to give you more time.
Hope you have a blessed Lord's Day you are always in my prayers.
Love you
Hi Cathie,
My previous question about the "great city" I think has been answered in ch.18 as there it is mentioned again v.16and v.19 and it must be Babylon.
I think we must just do what Kay Arthur says and read the text CAREFULLY and let Scripture speak for itself.
Hi Cathie,
I just finished your comments from today. It was incredible to see how it all came together. I will always love you; I am so grateful for all you do to help us along but now I think you much focus your energies on your family and rest, rest, rest as much as you can. The next few weeks will be very draining for you. I wish I could be there to wrap you in my arms and give you a great big hug. Please stay in touch as you are able. I know that all of your sisters in your home group are thinking of you with love and praying for your family.
Just a note, I was unable to leave a comment on your latest blog spot. It's no problem I can just leave everything here. I also agree with Margaret, We can slow down and spend a bit longer on this lesson. I think I will need more time to digest all this anyway. It's a big bite!
With much much love,
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