Please pray for Takako.
This dear woman has just been recently told that her cancer has now spread to her brain.
Many, if not all of you girls have heard Angie speak often of Takako.
I had the joy of meeting her last July when we went to visit Angie's Auntie Jean, I remember that when I was about to take her picture, she quietly asked me, "Is my wig on straight?" I was so astonished and said, "Takako! I didn't even know that you were wearing a wig!"
She smiled the sweetest smile, which was captured in the picture above.
God's banner over this precious woman is 'Love'...
and so as we pray for God's will to be done in Takako's life,
we are praying beyond all that we ourselves could ever ask or think.

Hi Cathie,
Thank you for the beautiful words written about Takako. God sent this "special" woman into my life five years ago and for those of you who have met her, you know why I say this. Today has been one that is nothing like I had envisioned and yet, when I got that telephone call, I would not have wanted it any other way.
Thank you Edna for walking with me this day. Thank you to all my precious sisters for praying for Takako...she feels your love. Her biggest wish last week was to come to one of our last Bible Studies as she was feeling stronger each day. Her faith, trust and peace are such a testimony as she is facing this news with her family far away in Japan.
Cathie,I know that you have had a full, busy day and tomorrow is going to be the same. Once again, I thank you dear friend for taking the time to ask us to remember Takako in our prayers. We also keep you close in prayer as we live out each day, in faith and trust in Our Heavenly Father.
Thankyou so much Cathie and Angie for sharing this news with us, it is a priviledge to pray for Takako
our Sister in Christ, may she be very conscious of her Saviour's presence and peace with her.
Whenever I find myself in the presence of this lovely lady Takako I always feel so blessed to have been with her and yesterday was no exception. She radiates with the love and peace of our Lord. Her gentelness and concern for others shines through even at this latest news of the cancer that is now spreading. She is truly an inspiration.
Hi Girls,
I am hoping that you all see this message. The days are unfolding in a way that I must be prepared for anything. How wonderful to know who is walking with us...Takako and I feel His presence and are drawing strength from "His promises."
Briefly, today we received a little more information but we will know much more on Monday. Takako is at peace and just wants to know what to expect in the coming days so she can make some decisions. She will be taking 5 days of radiation which will help her with the headaches and confusion. She just lights up when I tell her that her sisters are praying for her. I had a little chuckle when we were chatting with the head nurse about her friends and Takako said "sisters"...wonder what she thought???
How can I let this opportunity go without letting you all know how much the surprise party meant to me... THANK YOU! I have had mixed feelings, like guilt, at the enjoyment yesterday brought. The love you showered me with is more beautiful that words can express. God knew that I would be walking a path that would have sadness and so He gave ALL of you to me and He chose each one of you personally...I think we are stuck with each other!!!
Thank you Father for these most precious women who in Your infinite wisdom, You brought together for your "Good Purpose." We want to be Your hands and feet!
Hi Angie,
I have been praying for Takako for a long time and I am so thankful that she has such a wonderful sister as you. I will pray that if it is her wish to go back to Japan that she will be able to go before things get too bad. Although I have never met Takako, she has taught me so much about faith just from what I have heard from you and Edna about her. If you get a chance will you please tell her this. My thoughts are with you both
Hi Girls,
Thank you for keeping Takako in your prayers. There is something about "hearing" words that you knew in your heart would come. After the doctor gave us the prognosis we sat in silence for a moment and I felt I needed to say something. I told them that we were Christians and believed in God's promise of "Eternal Life." The head nurse jumped up and said, "you are Christians?...so am I!" and the whole feeling in the room seemed to change. It crossed my mind that this nurse, who is in charge of the palliative unit may not have Christians in front of her too often. Takako had a dear pastor and friend join us and after we prayed together he started to recite "What a friend we have in Jesus". It is a wonderful thought maybe our speaking out the words to that song was a light for someone else who maybe needed to hear it as much as we needed to say it.
Debbie, I gave her the message that you asked me to share and she was so pleased.
I know that you will all understand that even though I know that I will spend eternity with Takako, tonight there is an ache in my heart.
I love you all!
Hi Girls,
I hope that you can find me here as I have some news for you in regards to Takako. As much as she had wanted to join us in a Bible Study it seems that will not be possible. She has joined us when she was able and so enjoyed reading Cathie's Monday Musings and Spiritual Encouragement as well as reading all the comments. The past several weeks have been difficult for Takako as her health has taken a sudden turn. It has taken me by surprise as well. What a testimony Takako has been to me! She continues to praise God and His goodness in her life and finds such comfort from His Words. Edna was my faithful companion yesterday as we went for a visit to see Takako and what she wanted to do was to share scripture with us, as in 2 Cor 4:1-18. This afternoon she was excited to point me to 2 Cor 12:9-10.
God has answered the prayer that Takako be able to go home to Japan to be with her family. It looked like this would not be possible until the middle of March and there was great concern. What a "Faithful God" we have! This morning word come that her two sisters arrive tomorrow and she will be flying home January 25th.
I am thinking that it would be a nice idea if I were to pick up some cards and bring them to Bible Study on Thursday and you could put a favourite scripture or whatever you feel you would like to say to her...add a picture if you have one. You have been a part of her life through the computer so I know that this would be meaningful to her.
Cathie, I cannot help but remember how you had wanted to make a difference in women's lives through Pure Grace...and you did just that for Takako! I know that she is one that you have cared and prayed for. Thank you!
Hi Girls,
Correction...I meant to say that Takako leaves next Thursday, February 25th.
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