I have enjoyed so much our time together here and was blessed by your fellowship yesterday as well. Angie has asked if I would post my own study timeline, from our last week of study, and so that is what I am doing here today.
Like you, I am now taking what I have learned from Revelation and moving on with other studies in my Bible. It is always important, after any in-depth study, to have a time to debrief... to have a time of contemplation of the depth of the spiritual implications of all that the Holy Spirit has been teaching you, and not continue to be in a constant discussion regarding who, what, where, when, why and how?
So, here is my time-line, according to the questions that were asked in our last study chapter of 'Behold, Jesus Is Coming!'
1. before Rapture of the church
2. after Rapture (before first 31/2 years)
3. seal, trumpet and bowl judgements...
seals - beginning of 31/2 years
trumpets - first 31/2 years (7th trumpet blown end of first 31/2 years...covenant broken/abomination of desolation)
4. end of last 31/2 years
5. after the arrival of the New Heaven, New Earth and with the arrival of the New Jerusalem
6. end of 1,000 years
7. after last 31/2 years (end of 70th week)
8. at the second coming of Christ (fulfillment of Daniel 9:24-27... the judgement of the nations and the refining of Israel) *** the judgement occurs, yet the fulfillment of it occurs 1,000 years later
9. between the end of the 70th week (end of final 31/2 years) and the judgement of the dead
10. I am going to let you search out the answer to this in the comment section!
11. beginning of 1,000 years
12. end of 1,000 years
13. after release of satan
14. after satan in thrown in Lake of Fire
15. after Satan thrown in Lake of Fire
16. beast/ antichrist - before 1,000 year reign
satan - after the battle of Gog and Magog
the dead - after the coming of the Great White Throne
17. end of 1,000 years (after the dead judged)
18. Upon the arrival of the New Heaven, New Earth and with the arrival of the New Jerusalem
Don't have time to proof, hope this is sufficient!
Thanks for this Cathie. My timeline agreed with yours in all but one area, of which I admitted to being unsure, the marriage of the Lamb. It makes sense that it would be at the end of the thousand year reign, when the new Jerusalem is brought down and the Bride (body of Christ, the church) and the other Bride (Jerusalem) are made one.
I thought, however, that the marriage supper of the Lamb was in heaven with the saints during the tribulation. I got this from our study in John, when we looked at the Jewish marriage customs and how Jesus and the church mirrors those. For example, "I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with me," is reflected in the engagement ceremony where the groom knocks on the door and if the woman will have him, she opens the door and they drink & eat together. So, as the Jewish wedding feast lasts seven days, so the tribulation is one "week", Daniel's seventieth week.
But the later marriage of the Lamb does make more sense. The Jewish wedding ceremony is, however, very beautiful and is full of symbolism. I encourage all of you to look it up and view it in light of what we know about Christ being the groom and the church being the bride.
Hey Cat! I really enjoyed what you have shared here regarding the Jewish wedding customs... you've inspired me to go and dig!
I am so sorry that you were not able to be in the 'group' picture, I thought for sure that I had one of you, but it must still be in Angie's camera... from now on, my little Panasonic will have a permanent home in my purse so that I don't ever forget it again! (I didn't post the picture of the group with me in it... just so that you wouldn't be alone in not being in the shot!)
Cat, did you hear the one about your mother giving us a jump start early on Saturday morning? Furthermore, did you hear the one about the car purchase from your brother, just as a way to make it up to your mom?
No joke... the Leonberger's have probably had their fill of the Cawker's for one weekend!
Hi Girls,
Thanks Joan for wanting to have us all together and doing such a great job at making us feel welcome...I am still enjoying my beautiful rose! Thanks Debbie for the special card that you gave to each one of us. I treasure mine and you! It was so wonderful to be together and as always when I am with you all it just flew by and I did not want to leave. Thanks for the "mini" bible study Cathie, I think that I probably needed it the most as I finished Revelation as one crawling across the finish line...however I have finished. For now I am satisfied, but I know that I will want to go back. Thank you Cathie for the timeline. There are a few places where still I have to do some extra digging.
It was so hard to fit everything into our afternoon and one thing that I wanted to do and had promised Takako, was share a few of her possessions with her "sisters". I did not realize just how important this was to her because within two hours of me sending them my telephone rang and there was Takako saying thank you! Cathie, she did get the picture of you in it and like you said, the only one missing was Cat. I will make sure Cat, that she knows who has the pretty glasses because she commented on them as she was wrapping them. I remember thinking that I knew just who should have them. Thank you Edna for helping me in sending the pictures to her.
I really need to go find that hour that I lost...maybe if I hurry...
I loved this study and I close in saying, "Thank you FATHER for giving us THE WORD and leaving us Your HOLY SPIRIT so that we can understand through this most wonderful book...THE REVELATION
Amen, Come quickly, LORD JESUS!"
Hi Cathie,
I went to bed last night and just as I was about to fall asleep I remembered that I had forgotten to add our wonderful "umbrellas" to the list...so thank you. I had a beautiful umbrella once that I just loved and one day I either lost it, or someone saw it and loved it as well. Maybe they needed it more than I, that is what I like to think. Since that day all of my umbrellas have come from the thrift store and have been black and work..."sort of".
I fell asleep with a picture in my head of ALL of us walking down the street, in the rain, with ALL our umbrellas UP!... it made me smile!
Cathie...There was nothing "to make up for" with me!! I love to be able to assist! I hope you bought your little"Bug" from Mike for a ton more reasons than for my little deed! If not, take it back!!! I only suggested that he could help you.........
Anyway, thank YOU for all you have done for me/us in these Bible studies. The more I study the more I want to know more of His Word and deeper. Ever since the light came on for me in our Romans study that THE Book was all about the same story, it just makes the studying so much more interesting and meaningful and I feel much more closer to HIM! Thanks again and am excited about our next studies.......til He comes and we can talk face to face...wow! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!!
Hi Angie and Wendy! Isn't it amazing that Takako is still as much a part of our group in Japan as she was here in Canada! Wonderful!
Angie, wouldn't that be a sight... I'm dreaming more of using them as beach umbrellas... summer, here we come!
Wendy, Scott and I had blast this weekend... we were like two 16 year olds... especially when we took the convertible for a spin! Listen, as crazy as it sounds, it was the 'bug' that the Lord intended us to have... completely the opposite of what we ever would have initially ever considered; but I have to say, that it was lovely the way you and Mike were a part of it all!
Edna, if you are reading this, Wendy let the 'bug' out of the bag! You won't have to wait for my tardy Pure Grace post this week to find out!
love you!
Hi to Cathie, Joan, Angie, Marnie, Wendy, Cat, Edna, Debbie, and Margaret,
I just wanted and needed to tell all of you how much I love and care about you. You are cherished sisters in Christ Jesus. Whenever I think about you and especially times we spend together I feel warm and content inside.
Thank you, Joan, for the wonderful day. I was sorry to have it end.
Cathie, thank you so very much for this Bible study of Revelation and double thanks for all you shared with us on Thursday. You constantly amaze me with your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and I never get tired of listening to you.
Edna, I so appreciate all your kindness to me. Thank you for always being willing to share your thoughts and understandings and a special thank you to you and Angie for including me in the David Hocking weekend. He gave me much food for thought and I learned alot from hearing him.
Wendy, you are so very knowledgable about all thing Biblical. I enjoy learning from you. You have studied for years what I am just beginning.
Cat, you are just incredible as well. You are a strong Christian. I also understand all too well some of your struggles and I feel sure that you are an overcomer!
Debbie, I so enjoy you! Your questions are my questions and sometimes I don't even realize that I have a question until you ask it. I am so glad to have had the privilege of sharing the study in John and Revelation with you and hope for many more studies with you.
Margaret, I missed you on Thursday but hope you had a fabulous time with your husband. I have enjoyed getting to know you better during this study in Revelations and I really enjoy your beautiful accent.
Joan, I feel that I have gotten to know you so much better during this study in Revelation. The depth of your knowledge and your ability to "dig deep" is so important to our study. I know God is doing a mighty work in you and He will see it through to completion.
Angie, you bring so much joy into my life. I love you to bits. Thank you for last weekend with David Hocking. Very interesting and thought-provoking stuff. I want more! Like you, I too loved this study! I struggled quite abit especially towards the end but I gained soooooo much. I still find myself thinking about it much of the time and feel like I want to keep studying it.
I am eagerly looking forward to our next study together. I have learned so much but I just want to keep learning more and more.
Words from a song----"Thank you oh my Father for giving us Your Son and leaving Your Spirit til the work on earth is done."
Love to all,
Hi Cathie and Sisters,
I just wanted to add my thanks to you Cathie for all the help you have given us over the weeks of our Revelation study.
I feel I've just touched the surface of this wonderful book, but at least I know and understand
more than when I began!
I was so sorry to miss the get together, sounds like you all had a wonderful time, I was with you in spirit!
Look forward to our new study and seeing you all again.
Love Margaret
Hi Girls!
I just had to add my two cents worth here!!!
Thank you all for including me in this study although I pretty much did it vicariously this time! I still have much to learn in Revelation but feel I have a bit more knowledge and understanding under my belt than I did before. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you for keeping me "in-the-know" via this blog as to your questions and answers from your weekly meetings. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all of your input. So many times I had similar questions to what you girls did and it warmed my heart to know "I was not alone"!!! And my thanks also goes out to Joan for all of her extra study aids and resource materials...you are a blessing and wealth of information! And Cathie...what can I say about our fealess and most gracious leader?!? My life is richer in many ways for knowing you! Thank you.
I came home from our quick getaway last weekend to some lovely gifts...thank you for the rose (Joan); the card you gave me Debbie was so beautiful...I will treasure your words...and the ever needed umbrella...thank you Cathie! As a BC soccer mom...I go through multiple umbrellas each year! This next year will be year 10 for me and now I can look a little more stylish than being an advertisement for IKEA!!!
My love to you all!!!
Well here I am and was going to put my two cents (as Marnie put it)in but I have nothing to add. Everything that is in my heart has been said. I love each and everyone of you, my sisters...I have no words to express how much each of you inspire me. Being related through the Blood of Jesus runs deep and I cherish our friendships. This study has opened my heart to so many wonderous things that only my head knew before. I didn't get it...that the head had to be connected to the heart in order to truly understand the Love of God...now I get it!!!!
I don;t believe one can ever explain "it" to anyone unless they got "it". BUT then, you would never need to explain it.
OK, now that is clear!!!!! Well girls....see all of you together on April 1st....some of you individually before then....
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