Last Sunday, I was kindly sent the following article from Precept Ministries, written by Kay Arthur, and I thought that it was just so timely for our study in Revelation. So I have saved it until now to share with you all, I hope that it encourages and strengthens you.
Now, as we enter into Chapters 4 and 5 this week remember to pace yourself and only do what is required for each day - trust me, you will have plenty to do! And although there is always the temptation to either 'jump ahead' or get caught up in what Joan calls 'bunny trails', discipline yourself to just stick with what is before you this week, and if you do find yourself with extra study time, then review, review, review!
Enjoy your study girls, and may you walk strong in the knowledge of the presence of your God this week,
with love,

How Are You Living?
by Kay Arthur
"Worthy! Worthy is the Lamb!" These words will someday be our song as we and others from every tribe and tongue and people and nation bow before the Throne of God (Revelation 5:9).
When the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, takes the seven-sealed scroll from the hand of the Father, we will hear the prostrated elders and living creatures proclaim with a loud voice that He alone is worthy to take the scroll and break the seals. He is the overcomer! The One who redeemed us with His blood so that we might reign with Him upon the earth.
With a loud voice they will proclaim,
"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing" (Revelation 5:12).
As I see the word "worthy" repeated over and over in Revelation 4 and 5, my mind races back to Ephesians 4:1. After enumerating the blessings which are ours because we are in Christ and Christ is in us, Paul then hastens to tell us that we should "walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called."
"How does my life express the worthiness of the One
...Who conquered sin and death by redeeming me with His own blood?...Who brought me from impotence to power, from abject poverty of spirit to a heavenly inheritance, from man's wisdom to God's?...Who brought me from the state of being without might to a point of strength, where I can stand against the varied pressures of natural man, to the point of courage and might where I can stand alone, if necessary, for His truth?"How does my life demonstrate His worthiness?
How is my life an expression of the imprint of the truth that above all else, above all others - including myself - Jesus Christ is worthy of honor, of glory, of blessing?
As we examine our lives in the light of His worthiness, we need to ask ourselves some very practical questions. I have put them in the first person. You may want to read them aloud.
Do the things to which I give myself demonstrate that my Lord is worthy of all power? Does the way I use my abilities, my energies show His preeminence in my life?
And what about my riches - the monies and treasures the Lord has given me? It doesn't matter how great or small they are. The question is: "Does my stewardship of these riches demonstrate His worthiness?"
Is the wisdom that I absorb and proclaim worthy of my Lord? Does it honor who He is? Do I always hold to the veracity and sufficiency of His Word in all things? Am I willing to earnestly contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the children of God (Jude 3), or am I cowardly? Do I count Jesus worthy of might?
Might can be translated "strength." Over and over throughout the pages of Scripture, we are exhorted to be strong and courageous. And we can be because of "Whose" we are. It has always interested me that the "cowardly" are among those who will find their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). Have I deemed Jesus worthy of my strength?
Because "honor" and "glory" are so intimately entwined in meaning, it is difficult to separate one from the other. To honor the Lord is to value Him. To give Him glory is to give a correct opinion, a proper estimate of Who He is.
Does the way I walk, the way I talk, the way I dress, the way I treat others, the way I spend my time, or the way I conduct the affairs of my life demonstrate the worthiness of my Redeemer? Does the way I act in each of these areas give a proper estimate of the life purpose of the One who bought me out of the slave market of sin and set me free? The One who delivered me from the kingdom of darkness and brought me into His glorious kingdom of light? Do you walk as He walked - in the light of obedience that honors and glorifies the Father, doing always and only those things which please Him (John 5:19, 30; 8:28-29; I John 2:6)?
And finally, but not least, what do my lips bring forth? Do they properly bless the Lamb of God? To "bless" is "to speak well of." When I mumble, complain, and/or disparage my lot in life, am I proclaiming the worthiness or the wisdom of my sovereign Lord - the One who tells me to count it all joy, to give thanks always for all things? The worthiness of the One who promises me that all will work together for my good and His glory because it will be used to make me more like Him?
Remember my friend - whatever, whatever, whatever...Jesus is worthy to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing, so give it to Him now so that the new song in heaven might be merely a reverberation of your life here on earth. He is worthy!
Kay Arthur
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome! I am always encouraged when you show up and share what is on your heart... pull up a chair and make yourself at home, the other girls should be here shortly!
Wow Cathie,
Thanks for sharing this with us. It is interesting that we had a sermon today which partly talked about our heart and have we truly given Jesus our heart. It was quite an eye opener for me and has really made me stop and think. This article seems to fit right in with my thoughts right now and honestly it can be overwhelming (but in a good way) trying to really live my life for Jesus. Every little thing helps so thanks!
Goodness, I completely forgot to tell you that I felt so wonderful after our Thursday meeting. It was fantastic to have you back with us. We have been so forutnate that Joan was able to help fill your void but just think now we have the benefit of the two of you. GOD IS GOOD!
Hi Margaret,
Goodness I seem to be on a roll. Three messages! I have been thinking about you throughout every day since Thursday and just keep wanting to hug you and thank you for the devotinal book. God sure works in wonderful ways. I need this book so much right now and I am touched more than I can every express with your thoughtfulness. I am truly blessed to have your friendship. Thank you so much
Love Debbie
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